Tanner took a really short morning nap and I really needed to study and get my homework done. So I just let him play since he was being so good! But geez was it a lot of work to clean up after him! This is why stay at home moms are always so busy!
Travis, Shannon, Tanner & Payton
This must be some sort of learning activity. Maybe he is sorting by color, shape, taste, something. Then it's a challenge to see if Mom can get them back in the right place. What a cute boy!!
This is too funny...good thing daddy wasn't home, he might of had a coronary! Don't you wonder what he is thinking while taking everyting out??!?!
Oh my goodness.... I was going to write exactly what Jen wrote!!! Haha poor Travis (o;
Love, love these pictures!! He is having such fun making a mess!! :-)
Loving the crazy hair!
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